WaiWela Mini Tank 2.5 Gallon With NCLX-5
Four members of the WaiWela family of quality water heaters, the WaiWela Mini Tank 1.0, Mini Tank 2.5, WaiWela Mini Tank 4 and WaiWela Mini Tank 6. All are 110 VAC, UL approved, under sink, point of use electric water heaters. The WaiWela mini tanks offer a cost effective alternative to recirculation, addressing the need to reduce time, water and energy waste associated with long hot water plumbing runs.
WaiWela Mini Tanks combine quality materials and efficient manufacturing techniques to produce an affordable solution to an everyday problem. Millions of gallons of fresh water are wasted everyday waiting for the hot water to arrive. Install a WaiWela Mini tank under your sinks to eliminate the wait and reduce the waste of fresh water.